Καθηγητής Αρχιτεκτονικής Τεχνολογίας

Short biographical note

He is graduate Physicist (1979), holder of Diploma in Architecture (1985), Master of Science Degree in Environmental Physics (1989) and Doctorate in Architectural Technology (1992). Since 1985, he has undertaken the implementation of a great number of architectural design projects and building constructions. At periods, he cooperated with technical companies and public bodies in design and building construction projects. For several years he taught courses of his expertise in University Schools and Departments. He participated, as a researcher, in several building energy optimization projects. He was a member many scientific groups, committees and boards. His authoring work includes 6 books and more than 90 works published in Greek and foreign scientific publications.


  • Sabbatical for the academic year 2019-20

Research Interests

  • Contemporary Construction Systems and Materials.
  • Energy and Environmental Behavior of Buildings.
  • Contemporary Materials in Sustainable Architecture Applications.


τηλ. (+30) 28210 37106
email: npapama@arch.tuc.gr

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